Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Yeah, yeah.....

I know. I don't blog. But I'm busy you see. New career, new town, new home, etc.

We'll explore in that order.

My new employer is much smaller than my previous employer. Somewhere in the vicinity of one-twenty third the size. This has drawbacks as well as positive attributes. The drawbacks include the abject terror of possibly being a takeover target when you have less than three weeks of tenure, as well as the realization that mistakes I make can actually have a detrimental impact on the bottom line. Positives include a CEO who knows my name (and this guy is one of those people you really want to work your ass off for) as well as the realization that successes I have can actually have a positive impact on the bottom line.

The city of Columbus is, from what I've seen, one of the great small cities in the US. All it's really missing is mass public transportation and a professional football franchise. All the other elements that make a city a place you want to call home are there: a vibrant downtown where people actually live, an economy that, being largely based on education and government, lends itself to being pretty recession proof, and what appears to be a pretty lively arts scene. And there are lot of very charming neighborhoods scattered throughout the city, such as the Victorian Village, the Short North, the Italian Village, and the German Village.

Which brings us to number three. We've just signed a lease on a new home. It's small. At somewhere in the vicinity of 900 square feet, it's probably half the size of where we were living in University City. But it includes a basement, and neither it nor the rest of house is filled with the landlord's crap, which leaves me optimistic that all of our crap will fit. And if not, I'm ready to sell what doesn't work and replace it with something that does. Or not replace it, if that's the best option. This is one of those places that might just be a little too cool for me, what with it's exposed brick walls and hardwood floors just begging for couches designed by Mies Van der Rohe. (I sat on a Barcelona sofa today. It's comfortable enough, and I think it will hold up better than the LeCorbusier sofa, based on the set I've seen in one of our attorney's offices. I'm worried about eventual sagging, though, and think that Josef Hoffmann's Cubus may hold up best of all.). In any event, I'm stoked enough to actually use the word stoked to describe my feelings.


Blogger April said...

Do you mean Cubus? Either way, someone's a little HGTV. And by HGTV I mean Dwell magazine. And by Dwell magazine I mean Yuppie.
Christ, we're yuppies aren't we?

12:29 PM  
Blogger sarahkate said...

I love that you are concerned with the sag factor of designer sofas. Yuppie. Glad things are working out for you.

3:31 PM  

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