Rock and a hard place

As anyone who knows me is acutely aware, I don't support spending tax dollars on corporate bailouts. In fact, I don't support taxes in general.
Northwest Airlines today added fuel to my "so incompetent that giving them tax dollars is criminal" argument. I flew from Memphis to Tri-Cities airport today on a plane that seats 34 passengers. On board the plane were nine of us. The picture above was taken when we hit cruising altitude. I was in row 7. As you can see, there was one person in front of me.
This flight never should have taken off with 74% of the seats empty. Seriously, they couldn't have advertised $100 fares someplace to fill the plane up? Ridiculous.
On the other hand, if they had cancelled the flight, I probably would be just as furious with the airline.
Oh crankypants husband. I miss you so.
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