Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Paper or Plastic

I have essentially completely converted over to electronic money. My payroll is sent electronically, all my bills are paid electronically, I buy everything with credit cards so I can get the points, and then I electronically pay off the credit cards every month. The only thing I get non-electronic are expense checks (although they're finally switching over to an electronic reimbursement system soon) and the only thing I pay non-electronically is my rent because I pay people, not a corporation (and believe me, I'd love to put the rent on my credit card for the miles.) But in both of those cases, I never actually see the money. Instead a dollar amount is written on the paper, and all the funds are moved electronically.

I'm beginning to think I don't actually have any money. I mean, I haven't seen any of it in awhile. I just have a computer screen that tells me how much money I have, shows me who has sent it to me, and where it's been moved around or spent.

I'm officially playing with Imperial credits.


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