Thursday, June 01, 2006

Damn you, Kroger!

I had my heart set on the reincarnation of the reincarnation of Ecto Cooler: Crazy Citrus Cooler, which replaced Shoutin' Orange Tangergreen, which replaced the omnipresent Ecto Cooler, whose disappearance from store shelves coincides with my last purchase of a Hi-C product.

Obviously, you've let me down.


Blogger April said...

Seriously, he's been cranky over this all night. Gaawd.

8:56 PM  
Blogger The Girl in Black said...

It's the store brand.... you can't expect too much. Though it does suck to be disappointed.

I was going to suggest that new green Vault stuff. April, sorry if he doesn't like it. He'll be overly amped.

8:22 AM  
Blogger sarahkate said...

um, what are you talking about? ecto cooler? is this an appliance? something to store ghosts in? this is a fanboy thing, right?

7:12 AM  
Blogger April said...

It's an eighties child thing, Ecto Cooler was a Hi-C flavor tie in with Ghostbusters (possibly Ghostbusters II or even the Ghostbusters cartoon, I really have no idea). But yes it's just another nostalgia/fanboy thing. A replica of a replica that actually replicated something only to the extent that it was green like Slimer.

2:01 PM  

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