Damn you, Kroger!
I had my heart set on the reincarnation of the reincarnation of Ecto Cooler: Crazy Citrus Cooler, which replaced Shoutin' Orange Tangergreen, which replaced the omnipresent Ecto Cooler, whose disappearance from store shelves coincides with my last purchase of a Hi-C product.
Obviously, you've let me down.
Obviously, you've let me down.
Seriously, he's been cranky over this all night. Gaawd.
It's the store brand.... you can't expect too much. Though it does suck to be disappointed.
I was going to suggest that new green Vault stuff. April, sorry if he doesn't like it. He'll be overly amped.
um, what are you talking about? ecto cooler? is this an appliance? something to store ghosts in? this is a fanboy thing, right?
It's an eighties child thing, Ecto Cooler was a Hi-C flavor tie in with Ghostbusters (possibly Ghostbusters II or even the Ghostbusters cartoon, I really have no idea). But yes it's just another nostalgia/fanboy thing. A replica of a replica that actually replicated something only to the extent that it was green like Slimer.
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