Friday, December 21, 2007

America's Worst Post Office

The USPS office in German Village, Columbus, OH is the worst post office in America.

Examples of their craptacular ineptitude:

Authorizations to hold mail are only recognized about 50% of the time. This means if you go on vacation, everyone knows about it because you're advertising that you're not home. Burglars rejoice!

10% of the mail in your post office box was incorrectly sorted and belongs in someone else's box. Not everyone is as honest as you, so god knows how much of your mail has been lost.

Tracking numbers on are meaningless. It will probably be at least 8 days after says a package was delivered to your box before you will actually get the package. If you ask the people behind the counter to look for it, and show them the delivery confirmation, they are usually unable to find the package in the back.

Customer service is abysmal. This post office is where people apparently get demoted to. It's the last stop on your way out of the service. Good riddance.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm a bastard because this tugs at my heartstrings more than that Sally Struthers crap.

Southeast Asian prison is awesome.

Awesome, of course, until you realize that anyone out of step is caned immediately afterward.

Oh. My. God.

Some people should not be allowed to breed. Much less have multiple children.

This woman is the worst human being who has ever lived. She is the reason most of the world hates Americans. And I am now in complete agreement with the rest of the world. We are worthless. Kill us all. Destroy our country. Seriously, this is 9-1-1.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Part of me just died.

Some say it was Bacon.

This video made me so happy I've actually disgusted myself. But how can a human being not love the combination of Levar Burton and Kermit the Frog.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Wii for Mii!

Got a call from my mom this week. She was in a Sam's Club in New York and saw that they had one. She put it in her cart, called me up and we had the following conversation (paraphrased):

Mom: "Hey. I'm at a Sam's Club in New York, and they have a Wii and I hear they're kind of rar..."

Me: "YES!"

Mom: "..e. So you want me to pick it up for you?"

Me: "YES!"

Mom: "Ok. Love you. Bye."

Me: "YES!"

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
